Monday, October 27, 2008


I'm off to present at ACM CCS this week. We're talking about our simple web security solution, SOMA. It's a pretty neat little system -- turns out a handful of simple rules can be used to block a lot of current web attacks.

We call it "Same Origin Mutual Approval" because the idea is that all servers involved in making a web page all have to approve before anything gets loaded or included in the page. This means the site providing the page as well as any sites providing content (eg: youtube, flickr...) have to agree that that's ok. It's very simplistic, but surprisingly powerful because a lot of web attacks rely on the fact that the browser currently includes anything without checking, letting attackers include nasty code or send information out by loading other content.

I'm hoping to have my presentation slides online after the conference is done, but for now, I recommend you take a look at the SOMA webpage. There's a brief explanation along with links to our technical report, and the ACM CCS paper should be available soon too.

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